Until the late 17th century, lotteries were an important source of funding for public projects, including roads, bridges, fortifications and libraries. The popularity of lotteries spread to the colonies, where towns used them to raise money for local militias, fortifications, libraries and canals. Lotteries in colonial America also raised funds for colleges and universities. These colleges included the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton and Columbia Universities.
Today, lottery tickets are sold in most US states. Several Northeastern states are seeking to legalize online lotteries. In addition to lottery tickets, several states offer Instant Games and sports betting. A digital strategy is essential to engage a new generation of players.
Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar retail, the digital lottery offers customers flexibility. They can play from their desktop or mobile phone. Moreover, it allows players to track winning numbers and check results using their mobile app. This provides a faster, more convenient experience.
While the Internet is not yet a competitive arena for lottery operators, there are several benefits to adopting a digital strategy. The key is to place players at the center of the brand experience. Digital strategies also provide opportunities to personalize the experience and better understand consumer preferences. Through leveraging data, lotteries can also understand the attributes of different customer segments. Moreover, these strategies can help the company better understand when, how and where consumers are buying. Similarly, integrating the digital experience into all areas of the business will make the lottery more effective and engaging.
Responsible growth of the lottery requires support from all stakeholders. It means ensuring that lottery products are in line with the needs and wants of the player. This will require a data-driven approach and a commitment to retailers. Retailers need to be educated about the responsible gaming environment and how to protect the rights of all players.
Future-focused lotteries will move toward an omnichannel view of the customer. This will ensure that lottery players have the best customer experience. The future will also include digital enhancements and innovations, such as email/push notifications and real-time marketing. Ultimately, the future will see lotteries work with legislators to deliver more engaging experiences.
Retail-only operators are also looking to expand their reach to include a digital component. Seven states have launched full iLottery programs in recent years. Another six states are in the process of legalizing online lotteries.
Despite the growing demand for convenience, retailers are still a vital part of the lottery experience. To keep consumers engaged, it is essential to provide the best product and an easy-to-use digital platform. Convenience and customization will become more prominent in the future, thereby creating a more engaging and rewarding experience.
Lotteries are a great way to provide players with a fun and exciting way to win big. However, responsible growth requires support from all stakeholders and the right technology. Specifically, it is important to provide a personalised experience for every single player. Increasingly, retailers will be expected to support such a strategy through cross-promotions and retail cross-marketing campaigns.